ssalamualaikum.. lama betul aku menyepikan diri. bukan kerana aku sakit atau apa..cuma aku sendiri tidak punya keberanian untuk menulis sesuatu di sini. tapi sejak tadi, jiwa aku ni meronta-ronta ingin meluahkan sesuatu pada yang sudi mendengar atau membacanya.. kerna aku sudah tidak punya siapa2 lagi untuk ku kongsi suka dan duka..
Thursday, December 23, 2010
aku rindu dia
Posted by adeq at 1:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2010
It's not that easy to held the responsibility as a person who have to teach. It is never an easy task. Others may say that i just have to stand in front of the class and just tell them what they need to know. My parents, my friends and others have been saying that it is a waste for me not to become a teacher as i have the knowledge and have the experience. But, they never knew the burden. All they thought is that it will make my life easier as i will be working for the government and i can apply for loans n bla bla bla of other benefits.. SIGH.. they never knew how hard it is..
I am now a part time lecturer in one of the polytechnics in Malaysia. Not an easy task though. As i started here, it was not as i expected. I pity the students here, they cannot use proper English. Not to look down on them but the answers are right in front of them but they were too lazy to think. Yesterday, for the 1st time in my life, i blew up in front of my students. I am very patient. Honestly I am. But, they have crossed the limit. It was just 16 of them, yet they do not want to co-operate at all. Don't think that u're in your final semester u're good enough to treat me that way. is so hard nowadays..i wonder how would we move on..
:: ELIE_3173 signing off::
Posted by Resha Valentine at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Untuk my 2nd Author...
assalamualaikum.. to my 2nd author... emm aku tau memang ko xde minat untuk mengajar.. tapi buat sementara waktu ni, why not, kan.. dari pada mak ayah ko membebel yang ko x keje2 g.. erm lagipun mengajar ni kan dapat banyak pahala.. huhu... amal jariah tu.. even apa yang kau ajar sikit, tapi kalau diamalkan, kau jugak yang dapat pahala.. berterusan lagi... beruntung betul kau..
em tapi, kalau memang dah xde minat dan kesungguhan dalam bidang tu, aku memang sentiasa doakan kau.. dapat pe yang kau nak.. yang kau selesa dengannya.. insyaAllah..
tentang kes merajuk2 ni... erm xdelah merajuk mana pun.. aku faham.. kau kan tak sihat.. xpelah.. masih ade masa lain.. insyaAllah.. mungkin memang xde rezeki nak keluar dengan aku kot.. huhu.. so, kau janganlah fikirkan sangat istilah merajuk ke apa ke... aku ok n steady...
lately..aku asyik teringatkan dia.. untuk pengetahuan kau, dia masih lagi menghubungi aku.. mungkin cuma sekadar kawan.. dan aku pun memang dah xde nak rasa pape kat die. dunt wory k.. erm cuma yang menggusarkan aku ialah S.A.O tu.. em die de message.. tapi kau faham2lah.. aku memang xkan reply or apa je bile de kena mengena dengan dia.. hati aku sakit.. nanti teman aku ye.. aku nak pulangkan sesuatu yang bukan hak aku..
hari ni, insan yang banyak memberikan motivasi dan cahaya yang menerangi jalan aku yang selama ni gelap nikah.. tapi aku xde inisiatif pon nak pergi menjenguk.. entahlah.. aku sepatutnya gembira.. dia dah bahagia.. dah ada orang lain yang mampu jaga dia.. tapi aku sebaliknya sedih.. aku x ada untuk turut sama meraikan hari bahagia dia ni.. apelah aku ni.. ish.. aku hanya mampu berdoa dari jauh je.. kalau aku xde pon, majlis dia tetap akan berjalan, kan.. hehehe.. aku bukan penting pun.. tapi die tentu sedih.. xpelah.. sedih tu akan hilang secara beransur-ansur...
mungkin inilah caranya.. aku perlu menyibukkan diri ni dengan perkara-perkara lain.. ish.. mungkin ini yang terbaik agar aku dapat lupakan segala yang berlaku.. dan aku juga harus lebih tumpukan pada study aku je.. hahaha..
Posted by adeq at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: 2nd
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sorry 2nd author aku lmbt sket nk update..sbb xde tenet..
aku tau ko mrajuk on the day yg aku cancel last minute..seriously..aku mmg nk gi..aku demam agk truk ari yg kite jnji yg nk kuar same 2..sorry sgt2..perasaan bersalah agk tinggi nih..haish..pls..will make it up to u soon k..
thank u sbb doakan sama aku dapat keje..n alhamdulillah aku dapat dh lecturer..sbnrnye aku xmo jd lecturer..aku seriously x reti mengajar..
seriously this thing is bugging me a lot since i have to teach each n every day..bkn x la bersyukur sbb at last i got a job..every1 was pleased and relieved when i deliver the news to them. but then..they did not know that i have no interests at all in teaching. i may look cool on the outside..but inside.. T_T no one really knows the truth that i am not capable of teaching. not that i am afraid to teach but i really cannot do reminds me of my practical which i did was a disaster. i went thru my days as if i was forced and i was like a walking corpse. i hate it so much..but people don't know this. when i said i did not apply to be teacher, every1..includes my family was so upset with my decision. and every1 was like saying things behind me.. sigh..i hate this.
babe..sorry i did not express much..or rather give full explanation..and i mixed up the language..sorry sgt2..aku agk serabut skrg..nway..hope to meet u soon.. =(
Posted by adeq at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Hari ini...
Posted by adeq at 12:49 AM 0 comments